Workers compensation is a type of insurance mandated by the government to compensate employees for any injury or illnesses sustained during their employment. This includes medical expenses, missed wage replacements, disability benefits, and other forms of compensation. The type of compensation received depends on the type of injury or illness sustained. However, there are times wherein employees don’t receive fair compensation from the company. All the laws and regulations, and legal rights can be confusing to people that aren’t knowledgeable enough in that specific area. This could lead them to an unjust settlement.
This is why it is important to have a legal representative by your side for these types of cases. You can get professional legal representation at This California Work Injury Law Center consists of top and award winning worker’s compensation lawyers. Their legal expertise in obtaining worker’s compensation benefits ensures that your case is settled and resolved, and that employees get the compensation they deserve.
Different states may have different laws from other states. In California, an injured employee has the right to receive compensation from their employers or their employer’s chosen insurance company. It is their responsibility to compensate employees for any troubles caused by the injury or illness sustained in the workplace. However, a worker’s compensation claim can be denied. There are specific procedures needed to be followed to receive worker’s compensation.
Below Are 3 Reasons Why Your Claim May Be Denied
1 . Incomplete Information
It is important to have enough evidence to back up your claim. Like having medical recommendations from your doctor for your injuries. Missing even just one requirement needed to complete your application can make you ineligible to receive the compensation and benefits you deserve. So make sure to check and follow all the procedures and requirements needed when applying for worker’s compensation.
2 . Time Limit
Upon sustaining an injury, employees should report it to their employer within 30 days of the occurrence. Employees in California have one year to file for a worker’s compensation claim. If they don’t reach the required time, then your claim may be invalid.
3 . Unrelated Work Injuries
This is why it is required for employees to notify their employers and seek medical assistance right after sustaining the injury, no matter how big or small it is. This could determine whether you were injured during work hours or your off-time, and determine whether your claim is real.